AsiaSPEC conference 2025
We welcome you to submit abstracts for the inaugural Asian Standardized Patient Educator Collaborative (AsiaSPEC) Conference 2025. The theme of the conference is "Innovating SP methodology to strengthen humanism in healthcare education across Asia".
Call for Abstracts 30th September,2024-16th December,2024
There are four categories at the inaugural AsiaSPEC conference for which you may submit a proposal. For each submission, you will also be asked to indicate which theme the submission falls into:
- Case development and training (curriculum design, case writing, training methods)
- SP Program Administration (recruitment, hiring, organization, leadership, quality assurance)
- Feedback and assessment
- SPs in physical examination (teaching, abnormal signs)
- Faculty development
- Practical use of SP methodology (inter-professional education, hybrid simulation, team training, non-traditional use of SPs)
Poster Presentation
Poster submissions are for innovations in programs and techniques, small projects, or for completed research studies. Submissions must include an Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusions/Discussion. You can include up to three (3) references in the abstract. Tables or figures may be included in the abstract. The word count should not exceed 300 words.
There will be a general poster area with boards for display of a printed poster. Posters must be put up on display for the duration of the conference. Selected poster presenters will be given up to three minutes to present your poster and three minutes for discussion/questions at the conference. You will be informed if your poster is selected for oral presentation. There will be awards for best poster presentations.
Oral Presentation
Research abstracts should represent work that is either completed or has adequate preliminary data to stimulate discussion among audience members. Oral presentations will be 15 minutes in total: 10 minutes for a formal presentation of the project and 5 minutes for questions and discussion. All research submissions must include an Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion/Discussion. Tables or figures may be included in the abstract. Up to three (3) relevant references may be included. The word count should not exceed 300 words.
At the conference, research presentations will be grouped (by theme if possible). A moderator from the Organizing Committee will be assigned to each presentation. The moderator will facilitate the questions and discussion segment after each presentation. Please note that there are a limited number of program spots for oral abstract presentations. Awards will be given for best oral presentations.
Workshop sessions, 60 minutes in length, are intended to develop the skills, knowledge and/or attitudes of SP educators. Workshops should be hands-on and interactive, designed to promote participation, reflective discussion as well as large and small group interaction. Workshop submissions must include an Introduction/Rationale, Workshop description and expected Outcomes with up to three (3) references. The word count should not exceed 300 words.
The room set-up will be a large room with fixed seating. You will be able to present via a computer and projector. Please provide any additional material that you require for your workshop.
In the spirit of collaboration across countries, the organizing committee may contact you after reviewing your abstract to put you in contact with other like-minded people who have similar interests. The purpose would be to create the opportunity for joint presentations or workshops.
Posters and oral presentations will be evaluated by distinguished judges and prizes will be presented at the closing ceremony of the conference.
Click the link to submit: 30th September,2024 - 16th December,2024
Abstract Submission Form